How to make a difference to achieve what you want?

We find ourselves in a time where we are bombarded from all sides!

From television with its incredibly shallow and empty shows (with an audience of over 30-50%) that offer us absolutely nothing, from news websites on the internet (usually bad ones), from social media, from internet ads that emphasize in every way possible that we are inadequate as humans, unless we acquire everything they advertise.


Traditional Family

The traditional family is a foundation of society and an integral part of human existence. As society evolves and changes, the significance of the traditional family in today's environment becomes increasingly evident.

Do I have depression or not?

Why does an increasing number of people say they suffer from depression and anxiety disorder? Because they are suffering and, as us, experts, say, they do not want to feel like that, but they cannot control neither the symptoms nor the feelings caused by them.

"Praise" is for Free!

Praise is an Award and it is for Free. When we offer it, it is an invaluable gift.
Depending who we offer it to, this gift opens emotional paths that we cannot even imagine.